
Examples from our collection

Inspired by the form or function of the book, these works of art are meant to be touched. They allow you to interact with them at your own pace, providing a visual and tactile experience. 

Our collection ranges from the 1960s through to contemporary works and offers titles that can be illustrative, photographic, typographic, sculptural, or a mix of elements in a range of formats such as codex, folded and cut paper, accordions, tunnels, miniatures, cards, objects, or altered books. This exhibition features highlights from our collection illustrating some of these works.

Interested in seeing our artists' books? Although searchable in the Library catalogue (limit to Advanced Search > Special Collection > Artists' Books), the collection can only be viewed by appointment or class visit. Email your request to the University Archives. Please include areas of interest such as titles, artists, themes, or formats you would like to see, and we will arrange a date and time for your visit.